Promoting and supporting the Amateur Radio Service
The club offers monthly in-person and Zoom meetings (1st Tuesday of the month except for July and August when no in-person meetings are held) on topics of interest related to many aspects of amateur radio. Our meetings are held at the East York Community Centre (1081 1/2 Pape Avenue) on the second floor.
The club operates weekly on air UHF (Tuesdays at 7:30pm except 1st Tuesday of the month) on VA3ATL (444.775Mhz, Tone 110.9) repeater and a VHF net on Thursday nights at 7:30pm on repeater VE3SKV (146.805Mhz, Tone 110.9).
If you are looking to get your amateur radio license please reach out to our national organization, Radio Amateurs of Canada at as they offer Basic and Advanced license courses online a few times a year.
We also host an annual ARRL Field Day event operating as the club the third weekend in June and other events and activities related to Amateur Radio.

Our club uses a mailing group to manage its calendar, mailing list and general club information.
HF, VHF/UHF Band Conditions - via